Grant Recipients 2010-2011

Mini-Grant Recipients


$500.00      Student Authors
Mona Steffens
Fulton Middle School
Eighth grade students will create and publish an original story with illustrations. Students will be instructed through mini lessons on all aspects of story elements.

$250    Picture This, Part II
Carol Robertson & Amy Campbell
Fulton High School
Digital images will be used to study gel electrophoresis in genetics. Biology students will use digital imaging to study the effects of various conditions on root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. Environmental Science students will document their work at the pond outdoor classroom. $250.00

$998.60     RUS (r u safe?)
Jan Bailey
Fulton Middle School
Eighth grade computer students take on the task of educating the youth and adults in the community about the potential risks when using the Internet and other technological devices. Students research, design brochures, posters, and multimedia presentations and then present to schools and community members.

$1,000  Bear Broadcasting
Casey Echelmeier
Fourth and fifth grade students will create monthly news broadcasts about PBS, student advice segments, book review, important days in history, and McIntire special events during an after school program.

$995  Integrating Language Learning with Cultural Media
Andrea Ravelo
Fulton High School
Foreign language teachers will incorporate short, 5-10 minute video clips in class to show students the myriad of possible ways. that language is connected to real-life situations. Video types could include news broadcasts, commercials, music videos, clips of movies, and video tours of countries and cities.